Is CBD Good For Mental Health?

1 in 5 Americans experience a mental illness each year, and 73% percent of people have stress that negatively impacts their mental health. On the other hand, 1 in 3 Americans has already tried CBD. While consumers take CBD for various reasons, mental health is one of the primary and most common uses.
Despite the research about CBD being in its infancy, it is purported to be used for mental health conditions. Therefore, many CBD consumers and newcomers now wonder if CBD will benefit their mental health. This article will guide you to everything you need to know about the link between CBD and mental health and how to use CBD products to achieve the expected results.
Mental Health Defined
When our body suffers from poor physical health or is dealing with a health problem, usually, it's easy for us to tell there's something wrong. We feel pain, fatigue, nausea, or other easily identifiable symptoms. Then we go to a doctor, run tests, and hopefully find something minor that has been throwing our bodies out of balance. Depending on what it is, we take vitamins or medication to help our bodies heal.
Unfortunately, it's harder to identify the symptoms when our mental health suffers. Maybe you were raised in a culture or family were showing these symptoms meant you were weak and subconsciously trying to bury them, hoping they would go away on their own. Some of these symptoms could also be attributed to your personality.
Globally, more than 70% of people with mental illness receive no treatment, and the lack of knowledge to identify symptoms is the primary reason.
Here is a brief breakdown of mental health and the symptoms to watch out for to identify mental health problems.
Mental health is a state of mental well-being enabling people to deal with daily stresses, stay productive at work, contribute to their communities, and function well enough to have a healthy life and make healthy choices.
Being mentally healthy doesn't mean not having a mental disorder; people with mental health disorders can achieve mental well-being, and those with no mental health can still have poor mental health.
Here are the most common symptoms of poor mental health:
- Withdrawal from friends, family, and activities you once enjoyed
- Extreme fears and worries
- Extreme mood swings
- Burnout
- Eating disorders
- Difficulty controlling emotions
- Irritability
- Substance abuse
- Poor concentration
- And more.
Symptoms of poor mental health will vary from person to person, but they will indeed affect their quality of life. If poor mental health keeps you from living your best life, read below to learn how CBD can help.
Can CBD help Mental Health?
Since legally entering the U.S. wellness market in 2018, CBD has become part of millions of consumers' routines. 60.3% of current U.S. CBD consumers report using CBD for relaxation and stress relief, and most say it is effective.
Even though CBD's effects are still under research, several studies have already backed up consumers' claims. These studies indicate positive results of CBD administration in subjects with anxiety conditions. For example, a study investigated The effect of CBD on the amygdala through brain imaging studies and demonstrated a decrease in activation in the amygdala after CBD consumption.
A systematic review of CBD's therapeutic role in mental health suggested that CBD and CBD-containing compounds help alleviate psychotic symptoms and cognitive impairment in patients with various conditions. Evidence also indicates CBD is beneficial for treating cannabis withdrawal.
In a study on CBD in the Self-Treatment of Depression, most respondents (53%) claimed CBD made them feel better overall. 88% of the respondents in the study would more likely take CBD than a prescription drug from a psychiatrist.
How Does CBD Affect Mental Health?
After reviewing studies on CBD and reading about consumer claims, you probably want to know how this potent cannabinoid works within our bodies and affects our minds.
Most of us have heard about the central nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, urinary, and reproductive systems, but not many know about the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Even science didn't know about this mysterious system until the end of the 20th century. Once discovered, ECS proved vital for our mental and physical health and has a crucial role in processes like pain, mood, memory, and homeostasis.
Research shows that ECS is centrally involved in regulating anxiety and fear responses and suggests that cannabinoids could alter the anxiety state. It's yet unknown how exactly CBD works with ECS and mental health, but it's known that CBD affects human bodies through interaction with ECS receptors in the brain and body.
How to Use CBD for Mental Health?
CBD is widely and legally available on shelves at the nearest local dispensary or online from numerous brands. The best way to acquire high-quality CBD is to buy it online through a reputable CBD retailer or brand. Choose between gummies, softgels, and CBD tinctures. These products allow CBD to work internally. The fastest-acting CBD product is CBD tincture which you can easily dose and administer orally. Regardless of the product type you choose, ensure it has undergone third-party laboratory testing and results are available online.
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