Our Feature on The Howie Carr Show

Intro It's Howie Carr's cheap bastard deal oh, yeah sounds too good to be true oh, no, it's real and it's a steal you know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carrs cheap bastard deal.
Intro Howie Carr the cheapest bastard around.
Howie Cheap bastard deal see, today we have one for CBD products. Primabee CBD products. First in class premium CBD products produced to the highest industry standards. It's a company centered on balance and wellness. With their dedicated team, extensive manufacturing capabilities, forward thinking, focus, they continue to develop and source the highest quality products. They're based in Chatham on the Cape. These products are critically evaluated through third party testing and independent clinical studies. While supplies last, you can purchase a $50 egift card to Primabee for just $25. Get yours now@howiecarshow.com and click on store. With Us now to tell us more about Primabee CBD products is founder Paul Bordé. Paul, thanks for being with us. Thanks for driving up from the Cape.
Paul Thank you, Howie. I'm very grateful to be here.
Howie You gave us some of your products last week. And two weeks ago, my daughter Charlotte took the sports cream. She loves it. That's your number one seller, right?
Paul Our sports cream is very popular. We sell thousands of them, mostly with older people with aches and pains. And the CBD does amazing stuff for your body.
Howie And you also gave us some pet CBD chewies. I took those for Roscoe and Dr. Matt and I have laughed when people call about CBD, but it does seem to make him a little calmer. He's a puppy, but it seems to make him a little calmer. And Taylor grabbed one of the THC products.
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Speaker 4 Well, I got the droplets for the cat. And she gets very anxious around one of my kids who's almost three years old. The other baby she really likes, but she's never really easy around him. This morning we gave her a little dose, and she was as lovable as could be. Very tender.
Howie Like catnip.
Speaker 4 Well, not like catnip.
Paul Maybe the opposite of catnip.
Speaker 4 Yeah, she was just cool and easy and very lovable, which was a little out of character for her.
Howie You've started this company, and everything is produced in the US right?You make it, you're vertically integrated, right?
Paul Correct. Yeah, it's extracted and grown in Colorado.
Howie When they get this gift card, they can go to the store and order it online.
Paul You can order it online direct to consumer. You'll have it in just a few days.
Howie So you can get whatever you want. So what are their choices? They got the chews, the sports cream, the gummies.
Paul We've got a bunch of popular products, but our sports cream is great. Our dog chews are phenomenal, but we have a whole array of products that are out there. Edibles, topicals, bath bombs, which are pretty popular. And we're leading with education, and we're always talking about educating people. And we give a lot of information on our website about that.
Howie So this is CBD comes from hemp as opposed to weed?
Paul Yes. So it's a very big thing that I always try to explain to people. There's the marijuana and there's hemp. Everthing we're doing is on the hemp side. Donald Trump, thank God, he took hemp out of the penalty box, and he made it legal, the Farm Bill of 2018. And so that's why CBD is produced. It's legal. And this is just the beginning.
Howie You told me a statistic I'd never heard before about how big CBD is getting.
Paul CBD is exploding. So CBD is one of about 130 cannabinoids. The two predominant ones are THC and CBD. But to give you scale, CBD last year worldwide, according to my son, who's a Wall Street analyst, they did about 2 billion in sales worldwide. They're forecasting. This is Wall Street metrics. By 2030, it's going to break 100 billion in sales worldwide. So this is just the beginning of a lot of good stuff.
Howie You said they had more sales in CBD last year than vitamin C.
Paul Last year, CBD overtook vitamin C as a supplement. That's correct.
Howie Good Lord. What does CBD do exactly? If I take a gummy, what does it do for me?
Paul You got to look at it in terms of how many milligrams you're taking. There's lots of ways you can take it. You can take edibles, you can take oil like tincture oil, like sublingually. You can swallow it. And so it does a lot of different things for your body. Essentially, it's identifying deficiencies in your body, and it helps you to bring you back up to baseline. It's fighting inflammation. It's helping with sleep, for example. The big three things that I get hit with every day are sleep, pain, anxiety, sleep, pain, anxiety, rinse and repeat every single day. And so these are the things that are being discovered all the time. So I got to share something with you. I met somebody last night who is a stage four cancer patient and with pancreatic cancer. And he was telling me that at Mass General, they have a new physician's division that are dealing with just cannabinoids. CBD is a cannabinoid. That's how new this is and how quickly this is growing.
Howie The evidence for pain relief or what?
Paul For all sorts of things. For pain to help with nausea, and for him in particular. But there's lots of different things. But, yes, sleep, pain and anxiety are the three big ones.
Howie So this is for Primabee CBD products, and their first sale over the counter in a number of different stores down on the Cape and elsewhere, right?
Paul Yes, sir. So we're primarily selling direct to consumer online, but we're in about 45 different stores. Like, for example, Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham Bars in Howie, they vetted me out like I was Putin or some bad guy. Whoever the bad guys are. I don't even want to say that. But thankfully, I got over the end zone and we are not only selling CBD there, we're exclusive CBD providers.
Howie What's your website?
Paul It's Primabee.com.
Howie Primabee.com. If you want to check out the website before you order, but when you order while supplies last, you can purchase a $50 egift card to Primabee for just $25. Get yours now@howiecarshow.com. Click store. Thanks for being here.
Paul Thank you so much Howie
Howie Roscoe thanks you too. I'm Howie Carr
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