Women & CBD: Why More and More Women Are Using CBD

Women & CBD: Why More and More Women Are Using CBD

CBD is booming the wellness market, so, unsurprisingly, more and more women are starting to use it. You can see CBD products everywhere, starting from online websites to your favorite coffee shop selling CBD-infused lattes. The number of women using CBD has been rising in recent years. According to a study in 2018, more women are using CBD than men. Is there some particular reason for that? Let's find out.

CBD Basics


If you're new to the CBD world, you might first know the basics of CBD before diving deeper into the topic. 

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the non-psychoactive cannabis plant - hemp. It doesn't contain THC- tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component in marijuana, and unlike THC, it’s non-intoxicating. Thus, you don't have to worry about experiencing 'high.' 

CBD’s Legality

Unlike marijuana, hemp-derived CBD is legal on a federal level (with no more than .3% THC), so you can buy CBD-infused products at numerous stores and consume them without worrying about unwanted Consequences. 


As science revealed, cannabis plants aren't the only ones to produce cannabinoids, and like them, all animals and humans have cannabinoids within their endocannabinoid system (ECS). The system helps regulate numerous body processes and is crucial for our overall health.

Why Do Women Use CBD?

Women who are turning to CBD have numerous reasons to do so. Although men and women have a lot of the same interests while using CBD, there are some women-exclusive reasons too.  

These reasons can be pretty different based on a woman's age. For example, according to statistics, while using CBD, most commonly, millennials are looking for ways for anxiety relief, relaxation, and pain relief. This is quite different from Generation X. The main reason they use CBD is for pain relief. For Baby Boomers, apparently, good sleep is the main priority. That's one of the most common reasons why they turn to CBD. We can't really blame them; everyone needs their beauty sleep.

There's one more special reason why some women use CBD, which might surprise a lot. CBD is being used as a boost for female pleasure. Yes, you've read that right. According to a recent study, CBD might increase sexual desire and satisfaction. That’s because CBD can indirectly affect the endocannabinoid system; the latter regulates myriad internal processes which relate to sexual function.  Worth a try, isn't it?

Which CBD Products do Women Use?

There is a clear difference between the taste of women from different generations. What kind of CBD product they choose can be very different based on their age. Some of them prefer CBD through tinctures, and others go for edibles. Vapes and topicals are also popular choices. There are so many different CBD product types everyone can find something that suits them. Nobody’s going to feel left out with the current booming CBD market there.

One of the recent products that have gained a lot of attention from women who use CBD is CBD-infused tampons. Ohh, yes, the period is definitely not our favorite time of the month, with 80% of women experiencing period pains; needless to say, we are willing to try anything to ease those cramps. A CBD-infused tampon is a suppository that releases oil into the body from the vaginal canal. Aside from the brain, the highest concentrations of endogenous cannabinoid receptors are present here. 

Does CBD Affect Hormones?

Having a well-balanced hormone level is crucial for any woman to stay healthy and fit. Therefore, every woman who uses CBD or plans to use it might wonder whether CBD affects hormones. Cannabinoid receptors are present in the most important glands throughout the body. Our body's endocannabinoids can activate these receptors, which as a result, can alter hormone secretion and change effects on target organs. Because CBD can indirectly interact with cannabinoid receptors, it might also affect hormones’ secretion. 

One of the major hormones in our body is estrogen. Estrogen hormones play a huge role in women's normal reproductive and sexual development. Studies have shown a positive correlation between cannabinoids with estradiol hormone (the most potent natural estrogen) levels in healthy premenopausal females.

Shop for Premium CBD Products at Primabee

Now that you better understand why more and more women are using CBD, you might start searching for reliable products.  There are so many options on the market, choosing one can get challenging, and unfortunately, not all are of the same quality. 

At Primabee, we offer options for every woman regardless of their age, goals, needs, and preferences. Most importantly, all our products combine only the premium ingredients, and they proved in quality through third-party lab test results. Shop today and choose the right product for your unique needs!

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